Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Stole this from another blog...

I saw this on Bunnie Lowbrowski's blog, and it made me think of all my striped friends (as well as my derby mama Wanton). I like to think I never forget to thank our officials and someday hope to join them. So, with no further ado...

The Refs Prayer

Our Ref crew, who art in stripes,

hallowed be thy whistle.

Thy ruling come,

thy will be done,

in scrimmage as it is in bout.

Give us this jam our penalties,

And forgive us our track-cut,

as we forgive those who track-cut against us.

And lead us not into altercation,

but deliver us from foul trouble.

For thine is the track,

the pack and the jammer,

for two minutes at a time.

Good Job.

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